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merchantCodestring [5..50] charactersUnique merchant code
orderNumstringThis number should be unique for merchant. Dupliated numbers won't be accepted by platform.
moneynumber <int64>amount to transfer. Only integers are accepted.
descriptionstring <=32 charactersdescription of the bill
namestring <=32 charactersreal name of user that left in bank.
bankCodestringbank short name
numberstringbank card number of user.
notifyUrlstring <url>Asynchronous notification address, which is used to receive asynchronous notifications of successful transfer
feeTypenumber <int32>Enum: 0 1
How to charge the transaction:
- 0 Deducted from the transfer amount
- 1 Deducted from the merchant balance
dateTimestring <date-time>format yyyyMMddHHmmss
appIdstring NullableApplication ID. Merchants can create their own applications according to the business. This field is optional.
signstring <=512 charactersEncrypted parameters.

Request Example#

"merchantCode": "S2020198627344",
"orderNum": "202108021829117624701",
"money": 20000,
"description": "dana",
"name": "ROSIDIN",
"bankCode": "014",
"number": "6550081723",
"notifyUrl": "https://www.merchant-server/callback/transfer",
"feeType": 1,
"dateTime": "202108021829",
"appId": "4023123456",
"sign": "MIGfMA0GCSqGSI...w1ypbiy7VhIoFJbgSYSSHdC"



200 application/json

platRespCodestringresult code: "SUCCESS" "FAIL" "UNKNOWN" "NOTEXIST" "ERROR"
platRespMessagestringdescription of resp code
platOrderNumstringunique order number in platform wide.
orderNumstringunique order number in merchant wide. Same as orderNum in request body.
namestring <= 32 charactersThis name will be displayed on bill page when user pay to the VA
bankCodestringbank short name.
numberstringbank card number of user.
moneynumber <int64>amount to transfer. Only integers are accepted.
feenumber <int64>fee charged by platform
notifyUrlstring <url>Asynchronous notification address, which is used to receive asynchronous notifications of successful transfer
feeTypenumber <int32>Enum: 0 1
How to charge the transaction:
- 0 Deducted from the transfer amount
- 1 Deducted from the merchant balance
platSignstringEncrypted response data

Response Example#

"bankCode": "014",
"fee": "5000",
"orderNum": "202108021829117624701",
"description": "dana",
"platRespCode": "SUCCESS",
"feeType": "1",
"platOrderNum": "W0620210803095132002188",
"number": "6550081723",
"money": "20000",
"statusMsg": "Apply",
"name": "ROSIDIN",
"platSign": "lvLZpk0qyHhVfwHIlXhigu...fz30QRLasnUsYyGPnt1rX7bJdKNU=",
"platRespMessage": "Request success",
"status": "0"